This project involves advancing the performance analysis capabilities provided by the PCP back end in the classic htop utility, pcp-htop .
Our new contributor will:
Project size: This is a medium sized project (175 hours).
Expected results: New code (C language) will be implemented and submitted to be included in htop that allows the backend platform for PCP to take advantage of PMAPI features not yet utilized in the current pcp-htop code.
Prerequisite knowledge: C programming, ncurses library knowledge a plus.
Skill level: Intermediate
Mentors: Ryan Doyle <> , Nathan Scott <>
The project will be a collaboration between PCP and sysstat developers to improve the tooling for users of both projects.
Our new contributor will:
Project size: This is a large project (350 hours).
Expected results: After cross-project collaboration and design, extensions to the sysstat collector and analysis utilities will be designed and implemented, unit tests and documentation will be written.
Prerequisite knowledge: C programming, operating systems
Skill level: Intermediate
Mentors: Sebastien Godard <> , Steve Kay <> , Nathan Scott <>
The htop utility recently acquired the ability to display multiple Tabs in its user interface. Currently these display only process information. The aim of this project is to support generalized Tabs, where information beyond processes can be displayed in columns.
Our new contributor will:
Project size: This is a medium sized project (175 hours).
Expected results: New code (C language) will be implemented that provides dynamically configurable tabs in htop.
Prerequisite knowledge: C programming, ncurses library knowledge a plus.
Skill level: Intermediate
Mentors: Benny Baumann <> , Nathan Scott <> , Andreas Gerstmayr <>
Performance Co-Pilot timeseries are series of time-stamped values gathered centrally from hosts making performance data available. This data could be gathered for many metrics, at high frequency, and from many hosts. It is potentially high volume data, and searching it efficiently (querying) at speed is a non-trivial problem.
The Performance Co-Pilot timeseries query language is designed to allow fast querying based on metric names and labels. A command line utility and a REST API are available from pmseries and the pmproxy daemon. The existing query language implementation is now maturing, however there are some important new functions needed along with related grammar extensions.
This project will extend the time series query language with:
Project size: This is a large project (350 hours).
Expected results: Our new contributor will extend their C language programming skills, learn about the yacc language parsing tool, performance analysis with Performance Co-Pilot and the Redis distributed data store. They will also collaborate and participate in a vibrant open-source environment with very experienced engineers and performance analysts.
Prerequisite knowledge: C programming.
Skill level: Advanced
Mentors: Kyoma Zhang <> , Nathan Scott <>
Using braille characters from Unicode it is possible to produce beautiful graphs for console tools like the classic htop utility. Prototype implementations have shown this is feasible but substantial (re)work is needed to make this production ready.
Our new contributor will:
Project size: This is a medium sized project (175 hours).
Expected results: Beautiful graphs for the graph meter mode of htop.
Prerequisite knowledge: C programming, ncurses library knowledge a plus.
Skill level: Intermediate
Mentors: Benny Baumann <> , Nathan Scott <>